Emailthe governor
Click here to email California Governor Gavin Newsom (on that page, select "Clemency - Commutation of Sentence")
Sample email:
Subject: Free Joe Hunt!
Dear Governor Newsom,
I am writing to urge you to approve Joe Hunt's (D61863) petition for commutation of sentence.
Joe has devoted himself to a peaceful life during his entire imprisonment.
Joe is one of the strongest candidates for redemption. Please let his devotion to non-violence serve as an example to all.
(Caring California citizen)
Tweet tothe governor
Sample tweet:
Write tothe governor
Governor Gavin Newsom
1021 O Street, Suite 9000
Sacramento, CA 95814
Dear Governor Newsom,
I would like to urge you to approve Joe Hunt's (D61863) petition for commutation of sentence.
Joe has devoted himself to a peaceful life during his entire imprisonment.
Joe is one of the strongest candidates for redemption. Please let his devotion to non-violence serve as an example to all.
Jane Q. Citizen
phonethe governor
Phone: (916) 445-2841
Fax: (916) 558-3160
Phone hours: 9am-5pm PST Monday-Friday
Sample phone script:
I would like to express my support for the commutation of the sentence of Joe Hunt (D61863).