Landing Page - Free Joe Hunt
Petitions Signed
  • Joe Hunt's

    37 Year Injustice

    Joe Hunt, unjustly implicated in the Billionaire Boys Club case over the alleged disappearance of Ron Levin, continues his decades-long battle for freedom after 37 years. Discover the compelling reasons behind his wrongful conviction and join the movement to rectify this miscarriage of justice.


The prosecution primarily relied upon evidence that Joe made statements implicating himself.  This evidence came from members of Joe's group, which the media dubbed "The Billionaire Boys Club."  The heavy reliance on statements attributed to Joe has two glaring weaknesses.  First, those testifying against Joe had compelling motives to lie as they were at risk of arrest for crimes they committed against Joe and because of their involvement in the creation of the "to do" lists later found on Levin's home.  Secondly, the statements attributed to Joe by his cohorts are flatly inconsistent with nearly all the other evidence in the case.  Quite literally dozens of non-partisan witnesses gave testimony supporting the theory that Levin absconded to avoid imprisonment for literally dozens of felonies.



Though there have been other murder convictions in California without a body, there has never been one where there was a complete absence of any physical evidence of violence, together with no eye witnesses to violence, significant evidence that the alleged victim both intended to flee and took concrete steps in preparation to flee, and compelling eyewitness evidence that the victim was alive after the date of his alleged "murder."  Indeed, if one undertakes a review of every published 'no body' murder conviction in history, one ends up realizing that no one else has ever been convicted of murder where the basic allegation of death was so dramatically refuted.

Listen to what Joe thinks happened to Ron Levin


The sentencing in Hunt’s case appears disproportionately harsh when compared to other similar cases. Being such a high-profile case, there was immediate pressure to make an example of the defendants. However, there have been instances where individuals involved in comparable crimes received significantly lesser sentences. In fact, Hunt's co-conspirators, who all had significantly more resources available to them, have all been released. These disparities raise questions about the fairness and consistency of the justice system, suggesting that even if Hunt was completely guilty as charged, his sentence is nevertheless unduly severe.


Joe Hunt (original name Joe Gamsky), James Pittman, and Dean Karny


Hunt’s behavior and achievements during his incarceration should be considered. His efforts towards self-improvement and rehabilitation, as evidenced by his long adherence to the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda and the hundreds who have attested to his positive works and influence both in prison and in the world beyond, point to a genuine reformation of his basic character.  Such efforts are precisely what the penal system aims to encourage, and they are often considered favorably during parole hearings.

Moreover, there is a broader moral and ethical argument to consider. The justice system is not just a tool for punishment but also a mechanism for rehabilitation and societal reintegration. Keeping someone incarcerated without solid evidence, especially when they have shown signs of reform, goes against these fundamental principles.

In conclusion, considering the unusual circumstances of his conviction, the lack of concrete evidence, the severity of his sentence compared to similar cases, his conduct in prison, and the overarching goals of the justice system, there is a persuasive, sympathetic argument to be made for granting Joe Hunt parole. His case presents an opportunity to rectify potential miscarriages of justice and reaffirm the principles of fairness and redemption that underpin the legal system.


Free Joe Hunt

If you believe in hope, justice, and rehabilitation, join our cause, and give hope not only to Joe Hunt, but to prisoners everywhere sentenced to life without parole -- "the other death penalty."