Petitions Signed

The Real Joe Hunt Story

A video refresher on Joe’s case and an update on his health and how you can help.

Elevate your impact and join the movement for justice by signing the petition today. It’s a simple action with profound consequences. Just head over to to be part of this transformative cause.

Delve into the deeper narrative and arm yourself with knowledge on this website. Understanding the full story is crucial, and your informed support is invaluable in our pursuit of justice.

Help us amplify our message by sharing this video with your network. Every share extends our reach and brings us one step closer to our goal. Together, we can make a significant difference in this fight for justice. (There are Share buttons at the bottom of the page.)

Sign the Petition
Help bring more attention to Joe’s case for compassionate release. Hunt’s petition points to health issues, numerous trial irregularities, and new youth offender laws.

Free Joe Hunt

If you believe in hope, justice, and rehabilitation, join our cause, and give hope not only to Joe Hunt, but to prisoners everywhere sentenced to life without parole -- "the other death penalty."